In the name of Allah, The Rehman, The Raheem;

Let's start with some common sayings that we use about TIME on a daily basis:

I'm/We're going through some BAD Times
It was just BAD Timing
Wrong Place at the Wrong Time...etc

Hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah (RA) that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

"Allah the Exalted says (SWT), "The son of Adam annoys Me when he curses Ad-Dahr(time), while I am Ad-Dahr.  In My Hand are all matters; I cause the alternation of his days and nights". 

Below is an Excerpt from "Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vloume-9, page 31/32":

Several Imams of Tafsir explained the meaning of the Prophet (SAW)'s statement:

"Do not abuse Ad-Dahr(time), for Allah is Ad-Dahr."

They said, "During the the time of Jahiliyyah (ignorance), when an affliction, a calamity or a disaster struck them, the Arabs used to say, 'Woe to Ad-Dahr(time)!'  So they used to blame such incidents on Ad-Dahr, cursing Ad-Dahr in the process.  Surely, it is Allah the Exalted and Most Honored Who causes these (and all) things to happen.  This is why when they cursed Ad-Dahr, it was as if they were cursing Allah (SWT) himself, since truthfully, He causes all incidents to happen.  Therefore abusing Ad-Dahr was prohibited due to this consideration, for it was Allah Whom they meant by abusing Ad-Dahr, which as we said - they accused of causing (distressful) incidents."


As Muslims we have to be very cognisant of the impact of our words and actions.  Intentionally or Un-intentionally certain actions become part of daily life and routine.  We can knowingly or unknowingly pass on these actions to others.  Now, we will be held accountable before Allah(SWT) for OUR and THEIR deeds. 

REMEMBER:  Just as a good deed can become a Sadaq'e-Jariya, a bad deed that we spread will continue to be written to our records/accounts.

Till next time, keep those thinking caps on.